Our algorithms provide insights for US sports. Each sport is modeled using multiple techniques and cutting-edge machine learning methods to provide highly accurate predictions for the outcomes of sporting events and prop bets that are associated with those events. Our algorithms are being best utilized in the sports betting ecosystem, from line setting to trading we provide a unique service that is best utilized to increase the profitability of existing sports betting companies. Our core expertise is in the following US sports:



JAMBOS Analytics was started by the highly successful team that created Big League Advance (BLA) in 2016, an innovative company that uses predictive analytics as a decisional basis to invest in the professional careers of minor league baseball players. BLA, was the idea of Michael Schwimer, a former Major League pitcher with a background in finance, that spent three seasons in the Minor League before making it onto the mound in the MLB. The company gained steam when Schwimer partnered with Paul DePodesta, the former GM of the LA Dodgers, current Chief Strategy Officer of the Cleveland Browns, and figure of the book Moneyball.

BLA’s business model has been tremendously successful both financially (it has raised over $150 million), and through the inclusion of investors and Board members such as Marvin Bush (Managing Partner, Winston Partners), and Steve Duncker (former Partner, Goldman Sachs). Building on the tremendous success of BLA, Schwimer and his team developed new and innovated approaches to using predictive analytics in other sports and other areas of the sports industry. They realized quickly that they could provide products which were more accurate and could provide more value than anything that existed in the sports betting ecosystem. That was when, with the financial backing of BLA, JAMBOS Analytics was born.
